Millfield Primary School

  1. News
  2. Staying Safe Online

Staying Safe Online

7 December 2023 (by admin)

A reminder of the importance of monitoring children's use of the internet.

The internet and mobile technologies are fantastic 21st century resources for both entertainment and learning, however they can also present unique dangers to children, which is why we as a school take educating our pupils about e-safety very seriously.

In school we have a very powerful web filtering server which blocks inappropriate sites and searches.

We also have robust monitoring software (Senso) which informs staff when inappropriate language or internet searches has been used on any devices connected to our school network

When pupils are outside of school however such restrictions and filters may not be in place, and children can access inappropriate content often quite by accident, through sites such as YouTube, Facebook and TikTok.

We would therefore urge all parents to monitor carefully children's use of the internet and the material they are accessing.

We are aware that many Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 pupils have mobile devices on which they use messaging apps such as Instagram, Snapchat and WhatsApp to communicate with each other outside of school.

We ask all parents of children who do use these apps to monitor their use carefully  to check that it they are being used appropriately and that messages are not being posted which cause upset to others.

The general rule we share with children at school is: Do not post anything you would not want your parents or teachers to see.

Finally in order to keep all pupils at our school safe online we would strongly recommend that children DO NOT have unsupervised access to mobile phones and other internet connected devices in their bedrooms.

If you wish to discuss any aspect of how the school educates pupils to stay safe online and the policies in place please do not hesitate to contact: