Millfield Primary School

  1. News
  2. Careers Week - Any more volunteers?

Careers Week - Any more volunteers?

18 April 2024 (by admin)

Could you come and speak to pupils about your job and career and inspire them for the future?

In the final week of this half term (week beginning Monday 20th May) we will be having a careers week in school.

This follows on from our successful Step Into the NHS Day last term where we had visitors and speakers talk about the range of NHS careers open to pupils in their future. Both of these events are part of our school improvement plan target: To develop pupil knowledge and understanding of the opportunities open to them in their futures so that they have high aspirations and know the importance of making the most of their potential in order to benefit themselves and wider society

During this week we will have a series of assemblies every day of the week at 9.05am with if possible – one or two different speakers present. 

We have already had a number of parents / carers volunteer to come and speak to children for which we are very grateful but we would like some more!

So whatever your job and career path why not come into school and talk to pupils about it!

Your talk to pupils only needs to be short but be prepared to answer questions from the pupils!

There will be a computer and screen available if you wish to show any pictures, videos, etc and please feel free to bring in any props to show the children.

The audience for these assemblies will be our older KS2 children (Year 3 to Year 6) – but hopefully you will be able to spare the time to visit the classrooms of the younger children for a brief talk to them.

If any parents / carers or family members are willing to volunteer for this and are available and willing to come into school on one of the days of the careers week either: Monday 20th May, Tuesday 21st May, Wednesday 22nd May, Thursday 23rd May or Friday 24th May at 9.05am – please email:

Thank you in advance to all volunteers for giving up their time and the school and pupils look forward to seeing you during this exciting week in school.