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Half term break / Wedding News!
14/02/2025 11:30 AM
Half term break / Wedding News!

A reminder that we break up today (Friday 14th February) for half term with pupils returning to school on Monday 24th February.

On this special day of the year we can also announce that Miss Timson in Year 2 is getting married in the half term break and will return to school as Mrs Reid! 

We wish all the best to the future Mr and Mrs Reid and hope they have a fantastic wedding day!

A Message from FOMS - AGM Wednesday 5th March
13/02/2025 4:43 PM
A Message from FOMS - AGM Wednesday 5th March

Good day all - Shaun here from Friends of Millfield School (FOMS)

I want to let you know that we will be holding our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Wednesday 5th March at 6.30pm at Drayton Manor Cricket Club, better known as the PIP club. 

The AGM is what enables FOMS to keep running and to raise funds that will benefit the children of Millfield Primary School. The funds we raise for the school help to provide a fun and engaging learning environment for the children at Millfield. 

I have really enjoyed the past year and look forward to more years to come, however without a successful AGM this cannot go ahead. Attending the AGM does not sign you up to help at all events you will be happy to know! It is a meeting held each year that enables the Chair (Shaun Brown), the Treasurer (Marie Beggs) and the Secretary (Roz Goodgame) to deliver a reflection on 2024. 

I will be delivering the Chair's Report. Marie will present a financial report highlighting what went well and what needs to change to enable the smooth running of finances within FOMS. Roz will be able to assist with any points either of us miss. 

This meeting also gives the chance for new people to join FOMS.

We are looking for a health and safety person, and a dedicated social media/communications person to help with the smooth running of events and a clearer communication strategy for information from the Committee to the wider school. 

From the whole committee we do hope to see as many of the parents, carers, grandparents at the AGM as well as any staff from Millfield who are able to attend.

Please do send a message to me either via email or WhatsApp if you are able to attend. Although this is not required, it just helps us ensure we have enough seating for all attending.

Please feel free to reach out if you are interested in either of the roles we have available, if you would like more information, or if you wish to join the committee and want to know what commitment it involves. 

There will be a bar available for anyone who wishes to have a drink, and a raffle on the night available to those who attend.

Without the AGM and a committee, FOMS cannot continue because we are a constituted, committee lead Registered Charity.

This is why your attendance is so important!

I hope to see as amy of you as possible at the AGM on Wednesday 5th March.

Shaun Brown 



Kind regards 

Shaun Brown

Chair of FOMS

Thank You for Your Responses to our Survey
4/02/2025 2:30 PM
Thank You for Your Responses to our Survey

Thank you to those parents / carers who responded to our parental survey regarding some proposed minor changes to the end of the school day.

In total exactly 100 people took part in the survey.

There was broad general agreements for the changes with 80% supporting the changes compared to 20% against - however there were some issues raised by parents / carers about these proposed changes that need further investigation by governors.

These concerns were focused on waiting times and on congestion at the end of the school day.

As a result there will be no change to the times of the school day after half term as was proposed.

The finishing times of the school day will therefore remain the same until the concerns raised by parents / carers have been addressed.

Upcoming Events

Parents / carers are invited to come and join us on Friday 14th February 2025 for an online safety presentation focused on helping to empower parents / carers to keep their children safe and start key safeguarding conversations.


Welcome to Millfield Primary School part of the Community Academies Trust.

As head teacher of Millfield I am extremely proud of the role and responsibility I have of leading and managing the school and making it the very best that it can be.

These are challenging but exciting times for Millfield Primary as we continue to move forward and ensure that all of our pupils make the best possible progress and achieve at the highest possible level.

We work hard to ensure all our pupils experience an exciting, engaging curriculum at our school that provides them with the knowledge and skills needed for the next stage of their education and their future lives.

Reading is at the heart of our curriculum. It is the most important skill that we must teach our pupils to ensure that they become fluent readers as quickly as possible. 

We want every pupil at this school to be a confident, fluent reader who not only reads to learn but also reads for pleasure.

I am, along with all staff and all governors, committed to making our school a centre of excellence.  We are all  dedicated to accepting nothing but the best for our school and doing everything in our power to help every single pupil achieve their very best.

If your require any further information about the school or wish to make an appointment to visit us please do not hesitate to contact the school office.                                                               

Mr S Kelly - Head  Teacher