EYFS - Miss Crook and Miss Taylor
First Days in EYFS - September 2022
Welcome to the EYFS at Millfield Primary School
In Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) at Millfield Primary School we use a range of approaches to design and implement our curriculum.
In line with KS1 and KS2, we follow and adapt curriculum maestro to plan and deliver our curriculum. We follow the Reception topics from Cornerstones Curriculum Maestro and use suggested texts.We also use other texts which we know will further support these topics and engage children, promoting a love of reading.
In EYFS there is a progression plan which shows how the children’s knowledge and skills are built on throughout the year in each area. This progression plan is adapted yearly according to baseline assessments (starting points) of each cohort.
EYFS staff are familiar with the Year 1 curriculum and have a clear vision of the skills and knowledge the children need to enable them to be ‘Year 1 ready’ and to access the year one curriculum. For example – In Year 1 children are taught mathematics using the ‘Inspire Maths scheme’.
In EYFS the children are taught to add/subtract using ‘part, part, whole’ and a tens frame. It is vital they have been exposed to these models to enable them to access number learning/Inspire maths in Year 1.
EYFS staff have looked closely at the skills and knowledge the children will need to ensure they can build on their EYFS learning in Year 1 and beyond
Curriculum Information For Parents / Carers