Millfield Primary School

  1. News
  2. Star of the Week Assembly

Star of the Week Assembly

26 April 2024 (by admin)

We have made some minor changes to our rewards systems in school in order to celebrate our pupils good behaviour and their learning.

Every Friday at 2.20pm our whole school comes together to celebrate the successes of our learners with the presentation of certificates at our Star of the Week assembly.

Certificates are awarded for examples of good learning, good behaviour, good manners, being helpful or any other example of doing something positive around our school. There are also weekly awards for excellent lunchtime behaviour as well as a Head Teacher’s Award.

We also at these assemblies award behaviour certificates for children in KS1 and KS2 who have accumulated behaviour points across the term and school year.

You can see the points system below:

Bronze Award – 100 points

Silver Award - 200 points

Gold Award – 300 points

Platinum Award – 400 points

Diamond Award – 500 points

Our diamond award is new this year and is for the very special achievement of reaching 500 points.

We have recently changed this system so that points are not only awarded for good behaviour but also for achievement in lessons and learning in general.

Gaining any of the certificates is a challenge and we would encourage you to really celebrate your child gaining an award.

At today's assembly we will also be giving out certificates for children in every year group who have achieved high scores in Times Tables Rock Star league this week.

Every year group is taking on each other over the course of five weeks - today our Week 2 matches end and Week 3 matches begin at 4.00pm .

We would encourage all children in both KS 1 and KS2 to have a go at Times Tables Rock Stars as it is an excellent online resource that can help pupils learn their times tables multiplication facts along with associated division facts.