Millfield Primary School

  1. News
  2. Important Dates for Your Diary

Important Dates for Your Diary

4 June 2024 (by admin)

Details of some of the events taking place in school in this very busy final half term of the academic year.

Please find below details of some of the events taking place in school in this very busy final half term of the academic year.

This is not an exhaustive list there are several other trips, visits and events that have yet to be confirmed as well as activities that are specific to certain year groups - we will make sure you are informed of these.

Please also not that some of these dates and times may be subject to change.

Important Dates for Your Diary - June / July 2024

Wednesday 5th June: New intake meeting: Parents / carers of pupils joining us in our EYFS reception class in September 2024 are invited to come and join us in the school hall at 6.00pm for a welcome meeting and introduction to our school.

Tuesday 11th June: Class photographs (Years 1, 2, 3,4 and 5): Tempest Photography will be in school to take traditional class photographs of pupils.

Tuesday 11th June and Wednesday 12th June: Year 1 Phonics Screening Check

Friday 14th June: Non uniform day – all pupils are invited to wear non-uniform today in exchange - if possible - for a donation for the FOMS Summer Fair. Please note FOMS are not asking for you to go out and purchase an item but to donate any items you may already have.

Donations could include unopened bottles of any kind from wine to shampoo, sealed boxes of chocolates / sweets or unused children’s stationary or toys. If we could ask that you check that any food or drink items are in date before they are donated.

Any donations made will be used on the tombola or other stalls at the fair to raise funds for the school.

Volunteers from FOMS will be at the main entrance to school on Friday 14th June to receive any donations you are able to make.

Monday 17th June: Year 1 visit to Twycross Zoo

Tuesday 18th June and Wednesday 19th June: Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check

Saturday 22nd June: FOMS Summer Fair - Come and join us for the Friends of Millfield School (FOMS) Summer Fair 2023 between 11.00am and 2.00pm. There will be lots of stalls as well as entertainment for all the family. All funds raised to go towards improving our school for all pupils.

Week beginning Monday 1st July: Our school Sports Morning events will take place this week (further details to follow).

Tuesday 9th July: Pupil reports sent home to parents (including Y6 KS2 test results).

Wednesday 10th July: Moving On morning – pupils will spend time in their new classrooms with their teachers and support staff in preparation for September 2024

Thursday 11th July: Open Afternoon – parents / carers and pupils are invited to come into school between 3.30pm and 6.00pm to look at the learning completed by pupils over this academic year and visit their new classrooms for September 2024

Friday 19th July: Year 6 Graduation Assembly -Year 6 parents and carers are invited to join us at 1.30pm on the school field (weather permitting) or in the school hall for the final assembly of the academic year after which Year 6 pupils will leave us for the last time.

At this assembly we will be celebrating the achievements of all our Year 6 pupils and presenting them with a graduation certificate and their leavers hoodie to officially mark their move from primary school to secondary school.

Friday 19th July: School closes to pupils for summer break - pupils return to school on Tuesday 3rd September.